mardi 8 juillet 2014

Lavender floral water

Organic lavender is a shrubby plant, that is most highly fragrant species. Widely used in all branches of perfumery.

The lavender floral water is obtained by distillation of lavender flowers with many virtues. It is clear and limpid, colorless whose scent is fresh and sweet. In taste the lavender floral water is very refreshing.

Virtues of lavender floral water

• Purifying and soothing Fine Lavender Floral Water is particularly suitable for oily skin. Morning and evening, apply lotion or mist on the face insisting on the T-zone (chin, nose, forehead).
• Calming and sedative, lavender oil promotes sleep, elimination of nervous tension and headaches.

Uses of lavender floral water

In addition to solving the problems of insomnia, lavender has the advantage of reducing pain with its antispasmodic and anesthetic properties. It can be used as an infusion, tincture, essential oil and inhalation.
Pulmonary antiseptic, it helps to prevent and fight against bronchitis and colds. Promoting cell renewal, organic lavender floral water is used in the treatment of skin infections (acne, psoriasis, fungal infections ...)
Parallel with its aromatherapeutic properties, organic lavender water is found in every kitchen, especially Provencal, it ads flavor to fruit salads, white meats and desserts.

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